在下面這是我們的教堂的分享' 孩子們:  愛 愛的 禮品 是我們在我們的壽命期間將給的最重要的禮品。 比一個一- 時間的 奢侈 多, 它(這)是我們透過我們的話語和行動表達的真正的, 正在進行確信。 有以愛找到他們的根源的許多無價禮品。 - 寬恕 .信任 .友誼 .仁慈 .

祭品 .每個是美麗的整個的一至關重要條(塊)。


我閱讀故事, 以一條簡單還運動(感動)的路(方法)描述愛。 一大群基本學生(被)問(以)尊敬由畫提醒的某事(某物)的圖片去逝的教師她的他們。一個年輕男孩完成了他的迅速藝術的工作。 當問他給整個頁紅(色)為什麼著色了時, 他解釋, " 我想要畫她的圖片心臟- , 但是, 它(這)對 紙. 來說太大" 。 一條極好路(方法)記得。 透過對其他(人)給出無條件愛我們開始理解上帝愛我們愛得多深深地。它(這)是總是不與我們的激動, 能量(能力), 或者時間一致的一個禮品。 我們愛其他(人)因為上帝那麼和善愛我們。 長處不是有上帝的流出(發行), 也不它(這)應該與我們。我們應該如此慷慨, 以致於它(這)成為一個部分和反映給出愛, 誰(部分)的我們, 誰(反映)的我們服務。


首先, 我們到我們的生命裡需要愛人民(人們)上帝寶石。 愛是上帝在無窮測量方面對我們給的一個禮品 ,我們的心臟才能夠享受(欣賞)一個無窮供應。 讓我們流到它(這)。讓我們浪費它(這)在其他(人)上。 讓我們充滿我們的話語和用定義我們的行動它(這)- 和作為我們我們的心臟將收割上帝的豐富。 他總是將給得比我們能夠探測得和比我們能夠有可能給的多的多。  基督 耶穌完全愛了我們和公開表達它(這)。 我們在他的例子的路徑上將發現特別 blessings 。


感謝 你 .


 Emmanuel 。



Wong Yau Chun

 Pls forward my prayer request to our Church. Thanks Lydia.

Dear Paster Ng and family,
Brothers and sisters in Christ,

Thank you for prayer for me and my family(Yau Chun, Jackson, Timothy and Dorothy):

1.Thank God leads us open a car repair shop on Jan. 08/02, which is close to our house.  Starting a business is not easy and have a lot of things to learn.  We need to build up business right now including how to manage and operate the whole shop, expect more people know our shop and happy to send their cars to us. We also wish less problems from customers and have intelligent to deal with customers. Pls also pray for our web site and fryer design.

2. We are very very busy right now.  I need to get up 5:30am in the morning until night. I need more energy and strength to pass through everyday route. We wish we can have quiet time in God and be more faithful in all aspects.

3. Pls pray for Timothy, he is almost 8 years old. We found when he walks, his left foot is not straight. It’s not hurt but not a healthy growing style. Pls pray for Christian faith. He loves to listen Christian radio channel and loves bible stories.  But he has too much TV and weak of self-control. Pls pray for his character growing positive.

4. Pls pray for Dorothy, she is two years old now and she loves to help me.  Sometimes she put garbage bag into garbage can and clean floor. I think she will be a very good helper in the future. She knows prayer, sometimes if I am not too tire and pray with her, she put both hands together to pray and we have a very pleasant moment. Thank God she is growing very good and lovely, pls pray for her faith growing in Christ and with a good temper.

5. Pls pray for my work in this company. Recently, our company acquire by General Electric (very big company in US).  I found more work because we need to follow GE's rules and change some paper works and supplier information, we always Telephone conversation with a group of higher level people and a lot of stress there.

Everyday is not easy but everyday God is with me. Thanks for your time for sharing and praying.  God bless our Church. I am going to mail out my last year letter soon.  Sorry for delay.


Special Pray

